Proudest Moment Post Card

Proudest Moment Post Card

Posted by Rachel Smith on Nov 9th 2018

You know that time when you completed that ONE thing that was so HARD and you felt so proud of yourself BUT you didn't tell anyone because you didn't know how they would react?  Well that time is over.  It is time for you to shine and share your story!  It may not be easy, but what is that creates that most magical feeling inside knowing you worked soo hard to achieve?  I mean, you overcame hurdles, built bridges, tore down walls, and faced fears!  You lit the fire and now you know what you are fully capable of.  Don't stop, being proud of who you are never goes out of style.   

Share your story!  When you place an order with us at Pride Socks, a Proudest Moment card is included.  I know, a lot of you stare at it and think, I do not have a proudest moment.  YES YOU DO!  Time to put that self doubt aside and rise to your potential.  If you've never ordered from us, do not worry.  Click this link, download and/or print your own proudest moment card and let this be the first step.

If you do have Pride Socks, put them on and celebrate that feeling of self pride and tell YOUR story!  

Share your story on IG and/or FB using #pridesocks #proudestmoment