Power To Be Me.

Power To Be Me.

Posted by Spencer L on Jul 20th 2018

My proudest moment is when I got pregnant with my first (and then second) child. As a person who has always dealt with a deeply rooted hatred of my body and my identity, being brave enough to get pregnant not once but twice took immense bravery. Admitting to the world that my body was female and I was able to BE pregnant was hard but empowering. For the first time EVER my body being female had a purpose greater than I’d ever known. I could create, carry, and sustain life all with a body I’d grown to resent. 

I finally allowed myself to socially and medically transition to male right after our son turned 3. He had stopped breastfeeding six months prior and I didn’t want to abruptly interrupt that intense gestational bond. 

My proudest moment is being brave enough to be a man who got pregnant, gave birth, breastfed, and then came out to the world as my authentic self.